Kindergärten Kayah State
We ensure that around 130 children in 5 kindergartens in Homothi, Hoya, Kharbel, Kroekhu and Rikhibuu in the mountain villages of Kayah State learn the Burmese language during their kindergarten years through permanently employed kindergarten teachers, which is the compulsory language at school. Almost every child in these villages speaks only the indigenous language, and so almost all children without preschool experience significant difficulties in the first years of school.
We provide learning materials such as books, pens, notebooks and much more. The children learn songs, verses and poems and the basic things that children should know before they start school. This makes the children more self-confident and secure for their future lives and is an important building block of their first years.
Through regular courses in which parents participate, we educate about children's rights, healthy nutrition and the importance of a good school education for the future of children.